Saturday, 28 February 2015


Do we know our purpose here?

Pause for a moment and please think. What is life? Is it the endless loop of growing up, making money, eating, sleeping and dying? Is that what we are here for?
Don't you think it is only slightly different from what animals do, if not akin to it?

Honey bees also have a queen and termites also build a 'society' to live in. Elephants have graveyards and pay homage to their dead and monkeys fight over fruits!

What is it that we are doing different, other than asphyxiating the earth?

We all have a responsibility towards, if not a purpose to, heal the planet as we live. Ascension of the planet as a whole should be our goal! We are one and we must stop all fighting now. If we stop storing for our graves and start providing for each other, we shall see we all have enough...



In this post I wish to consider the 'history of crop circles'.
For my introductory post on them, do see my previous post:

The documentation of crop circles in more modern times (not considering the ancient texts , drawings and other representations) started in the early 20th century, with a gradual increase in numbers. A marked increase in crop circles was seen in the 1960’s and then in 1990’s. With at least 190 formations documented in 1999 alone!

Since 1980's, these motifs are no longer simply circular and display a great variety. It is interesting to note is that they are always different, meaning, no design is ever repeated and their complexity increases with passing years.

Not just the basic design of the motif, the bending methods have also become more and more sophisticated. Thus, the stems may be bent in opposite directions, perpendicular to each other, or alternatively in radial and circular fashion in a large circular crop circle, for example. This can be seen in "The basket" made in 1996 and then in 2006.

Similarly, often the centre of a motif is emphasised by a bunch of stems that are left standing. This bunch can be simple or sometimes intertwined. Sometimes they may be bent to form a cone shape in the centre.

In a large circle, three very distinct patterns may be seen:
In some, the stems can be flattened and oriented from the centre towards the exterior in very regular waves.
In others, they may be bent in alternative radial and circular patterns in concentric fashion creating circles within the larger circle.
Third pattern that is seen is when stem are laid down radially around a point that is not the geometric centre of the main circle. "Off-centre circle" (Yatesbury - June 2007)

Here is an overview of the evolution:
1678: mowing devil: early representation of a crop circle.
•Swirled circles became multiple circles
•Multiple circles arranged non randomly
1978: first quintuplet was seen
•celtic crosses appeared as quintuplets showed outer satellite circles connected via rings
1990: triple ringer
1998: seven fold geometry appeared
1999: nine fold geometry
2000: eleven fold geometry
2003: thirteen fold geometry
•Many crop circles these days are essentially 2-D representation of 3-D designs: like tetrahedron (1991)

Here are some interesting links:

Photo credits:
Christophe Esti val
Daniel Harran
Nick Nicholson
Lucy Pringle
Some photographs have been taken from:

Next we will try put our heads together and speculate what these crop circles are trying to tell us.

Friday, 27 February 2015



These lines speak so much to me. What do they tell you? They take up the simple law of nature: sunrise after night. Can a sunrise occur in midday? No! Can you rise if you are already standing? Sometimes you have to be totally undone so that you can build yourself from scratch and hence build yourself the way YOU want, and not 'by default'.
I read somewhere that for a plant to grow, the seed has to be totally ripped up...

So, for those of you who wonder why darkness prevails in your life, remember there is perhaps a beautiful sunrise planned for you...



These aren't just found on crops to call them 'agroglyphs' and often they are more complex to call them 'circles'. Thus the (derogatory ?) umbrella term- Motif


I was planning to simply write about what new information I have gathered about the crop circles but then I thought it would be better to begin from the beginning.


Crop circles/ crop formations are patterns created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed but can be found in fields, over tree-tops, and in ice and snow. They are a world wide phenomena with around 10000 recorded cases in the past century. Although reporting of these began in the 20th century, many ancient texts/ diagrams suggest their creation by extraterrestrials (as suggested by some Egyptian drawings). Some cryptologists and others suggest that crop circles are depicted in prehistoric stone and wall carvings, such as in the spiral patterns carved in a stone at New Grange in Ireland.

The study of the crop circle phenomena is called Cerealogy, in paranormal circles. Cerealogists commonly refer to these designs as agroglyphs or landscape art.


Daniel Harran ( has given us excellent insight enough to convince any sceptic to believe in the extraterrestrial origin of these.

He talks about the tiny details as seen upon personally visiting these circles: both via naked eye and by examining the soil/plants in the area. But physical and chemical examination isn't all. The energy of the area, water content of the involved plant, the powdery residues found at the site, and even the increased yield by those plants (remember they are carefully bent after softening the stem and not broken) have also been studied with remarkable findings.

Daniel writes:
"Multiple scientific analyses were made which have shown some notable modifications in the biological properties of the cereals in comparison to witness samples taken outside the formation :
node elongations,
water content reduced in these nodes,
perforation or bursting of some nodes,
significantly improved germination power (the sown seeds give stronger plants, and produce themselves more seeds), when the formation appeared in a ripe crop..."

"... physical and chemical modifications of the soils, inside the formations :
amazing growth of the crystalline structure of some constituents of clay in the soil inside the formation, in comparison to witness samples taken outside,
strange deposits of a white powder in the centre of some circular formations in Netherlands. This powder was analysed by a laboratory of the university of Amsterdam, it was made of magnesium hydrocarbonate,
unusual concentration of meteoritic dust (iron oxides). These particles exist in the atmosphere, at a very low concentration. Inside some crop circles, contents were found until several hundreds higher than outside, which shows that these particles were attracted and concentrated by the application of a strong magnetic field when the formation was created."

It was also observed that parallel dowsing sticks amplify the variation of energy when one penetrates and when one leaves a crop formation.

Although a great many crop circles are in fact made by humans ( sometimes for advertising campaigns) they clearly have no associated variations as seen by those made by the extraterrestrials. Also, they often lack the complexity and take a team effort for a significant duration of time to be accomplished.

Thus, despite a few 'so and so conned the world' claims, I know there are a lot of us who now believe that these circles are more than just that.

In the next posts we shall see the evolution of the crop circles and what purposes they might be serving.

Some interesting links: (I am having trouble embedding these)

Thursday, 26 February 2015

A Lost Cause

Chapter 1

                      🌟 CHAPTER ONE 🌟
                              A lost cause

A young boy walked down the street,  with his hood up.  It was putting outside, but he didn't care.  He felt empty.  His "girlfriend" had just left him,  and he found she had been using him. He was the owner of a horse racing place,  and she had used him as a tool in winning traces and getting money.  He felt used, empty, and stupid.  He felt like a useless tool,  a pawn in a game if chess, a video game character, who is completely used and controlled by someone else's imagination.  He felt like... like a word, something you use once,  something that is used to get to a goal, something that can be totally meaningless and powerful at the same time.  He just couldn't bear it.  He hoped someone would put a bullet in his head,  before he did it himself. He walked towards his house, the rain pouring on his head, and his thoughts beating in him mentally. He felt like...  A lost cause.

I saw him. I saw my friend sad and disturbed. I always knew that girl couldn't be trusted but he loved her so much that I could never gather the courage to break his bubble. I did not know if I should go and tell him that finally he was out of his prison or that I was sorry he was hurt. But what boggled me the most was the secret that was my weight to bear. If I tell him the truth, he would probably feel more hurt and used. If, I chose to take it to my grave, it would be a secret between two best friends.

But that was for time to decide. For now I could see his pain from under his hood. It was raining heavily and I called him in.
"How about some hot cocoa, buddy?" I said as I cleared the clutter from the sofa by the fireplace. "Sit, I will get you a towel. "
He weakly nodded, eyes focussed in midair.

As I made hot cocoa for him, I remembered what an angel he is. Why did he suffer such a betrayal? Life answers one question only to present an entire sheet of them for us to face, I thought.
"Here, have this."
I sat next to him and put my arms around him. "I did nothing wrong?" He said, weakly.
"Of course, dear. You did not."
There we sat, together, best friends forever, looking at the fire. Together, we can stare at it in the eye.


This was just a fun exercise. The first part has been written by 'The doctor@'

Decoding Mythology


Known as the 'intuition organ' or the 'seat of spirituality' the pineal gland is, scientifically speaking, an endocrine gland. It is actually our third eye. It is a pea sized, pine cone shaped structure in our brain that secretes melatonin and serotonin.
Serotonin is a natural anti depressant and is secreted more when exposed to natural sunlight.
Melatonin on the other hand needs dark. It is secreted at night. Scientifically, a hormone, melatonin is also an antioxidant, a smooth muscle relaxant and a consciousness altering drug. (Chemically very similar to LSD) (you can see my post on melatonin and crop circles which I posted on google+ )

The pinecone shaped pineal gland corresponds to our Ajna Chakra or the third eye. While pinecone symbolism appears all over the ancient world from the Sumerian, Greek, and  Roman traditions, in Hindu mythology, Shiva is represented as having a third eye. Now, shiv represents the state of ultimate stillness, meditation and knowledge (coincidence?)(See my post on Mahashivratri for details)
The Egyptian 'Eye of Horus' actually describes the anatomy of the Pineal gland along with its surrounding structures.
The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power. The symbol was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus´ eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction.(see image)
Horus was an ancient a sky god whose eyes were said to be the sun and the moon. (Day and night, serotonin and melatonin?)
It is said when injured, THE EYE was restored by Thoth (associated with moon).
Thoth is assisted by fourteen gods. Each god represented one of the fourteen days leading up to the full moon. (Note how the 14th day is observed as the night of Shiva-Shivratri, in Hinduism.)(coincidence?)
The restored eye became emblematic of the re-establishment of order from chaos (from ignorance to knowledge) (from darkness unto light) (tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, in Sanskrit)

An open Third Eye brings clarity, concentration, intuition, decisiveness and insight: spiritual evolution, as I call it.

A closed Third Eye or Ājňā Chakra in Hindu tradition brings with it confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, pessimism, jealousy, envy and one sidedness.

I am sharing some interesting images.
Soon I will post about maintaining the Pineal gland: decalcification.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Smithsonian controversy

Dr. Willie Soon legally pursued external grants for his research on effect of changes in solar radiation on climate change. But did he had certain 'unrevealed' grants as well?

Now that's another controversy all together. Why I post this link is because Dr. Soon argues that solar radiation changes affect our climate more than greenhouse emissions. This seems plausible to me. I had a different expected outcome out of all the 'greenhouse effect' debate. The climate of earth has simply been 'changed' in the past few decades, not necessarily parallel to the expected outcome of greenhouse effect alone.
Well obviously climate change is multifactorial. Why I have even written this article is because I do feel that solar radiation is more important.

Dr.Soon also opposes the efforts put in policy making to cut down greenhouse gases. This, I feel, is going too extreme. So yes greenhouse gases have a limited role to play. Agreed. But that doesn't mean it is worth ignoring their importance especially when there is only so much we can do to "regulate" solar variations.

Seeking the Quest

The answers exist within the universe just as the knowing exists within us. Often we ask 'what exactly IS the knowing?' Lately that's what I end up thinking. There are answers all around us, withing the collective consciousness that is universe. So why do we not know the answers yet?
'What answers?' You may ask. And that's how duality is manifested in this delusion yet again!
Is it lack of understanding that makes us seek? Or is it understanding the lack?

Should we be observing the manifestations of delusion and formulate questions and then chase the many possible answers (and usually all are correct) ending up trying to prove our theory as the correct one? This is similar to the followers of different religions trying to establish their superiority. All religions essentially speak the same thing in different words! Yet all are different and no one is wrong! So why do they end up fighting instead of following love, peace and kindness as their religions preach?
This is because we create more duality and cause the dichotomy between spiritual, conscious self and subconscious ego that arises due to seeking the wrong quest!

For instance, the question should not be what is God's name or when did he/she/it etc came on earth and how. The question should be sought from within our own soul. Perhaps it could be 'how can I spread more peace' instead of 'what is peace' because the facts dont matter, what matters is the application.
I follow more than one religions simultaneously so this isn't an article by an atheist. I am simply quoting an example.

With a brain activation level of 2%, we must realise that we are just overgrown infants in the vast cosmos, just as stubborn and ignorant and, on the plus side, with just as much scope to mature.

A child is happy by simply playing with his balloon. You take that away, he cries. Similarly, we have our balloons, for instance, money. Snatch it away, and we cry.
While a child cries over his lost balloon, his parents have the 'knowing' of inflating another one. It seems a trivial matter to them. 'Ah, little children and their silly needs!'
What if I tell you we are still little children? What all do you think we are capable of when we actually grow into a spiritual adult?

Saturday, 21 February 2015


We must utilise the abundance we have to help pull up those who have a little less ...

We are not isolated from each other. Perhaps it is time we realise that we are all like fingers and toes to a giant organism that is this universe. Just as a finger works separately from a toe unaware of its relation with it, similarly we think we work independently from each other. This is the biggest delusion. The scope of the cosmos is simply too much for us to actually see in a physical reality, our connection with each other. To perceive this connection we need spiritual eyes.

But what remains the take home message is that if the hands grab a piece of bread and save it for themselves, they might live under the delusion that they are one bread richer than the feet, but unless they learn to share that piece of bread with the mouth, the whole body would perish!

Unless we learn to share, we may not be dead, but we can never really live either.


Image courtesy: Judes art

One in a Million

What do you tell someone when they say "you are one in a million"?
Do you feel you ARE one in a million?
Or do you say "so is everyone else, big deal!" ?

Most of us say either of these. Most of us form opinions about those who say the sentence other than what we would. Who is correct?
Are we not one in a million? (6 billion actually). Yes we are. We are all unique. In fact that we are all unique is what is common in us all!

What I am trying to say is this:

We are one in a million. There is something about us that makes us unique. It is that 'something' that is also our strength. It comes naturally to us and it is our duty to follow it because in following it, we follow our destiny. Prophecies aren't restricted to fiction movies. Only we haven't discovered the one labeled with our names yet. Seek. We have the power within us. The power to create.

We are one in a million. And so is everyone else. This is in fact a very very important perspective (I am talking to those of you who think that someone with this opinion is just a pessimist)
We must remember we are divine. But well, so is the other person! This realisation kills the scope for pride. It is perhaps more important than the first statement because while lack of self realisation gets you nowhere, pride causes downfall. If on a graph you are standing at point zero, pride can take you towards the negative axis. Realising the divinity in others also kills our ego and paves way for love and respect. Which in turn leads to gratitude. We are co-dependent beings who share a consciousness in ways beyond we can imagine.

Just as a pebble thrown into a pool of water doesn't affect only the point of its entry but creates ripples affecting the entire pool, similarly our actions have far reaching consequences!

So, yes, we ARE ALL one in a million. We must all realise our uniqueness. We must all see the divine in each other. Love and gratitude: this is the way towards ascension.


Image courtesy:
This blog, "incidentally" talks about thanking God for small mercies. I haven't taken any permissions before using the image. While searching for images suitable for this post, this image captured my attention and was the first (and only) image I opened for the same. I must admit, this post is interesting. Thanking God for small mercies (gratitude) is indeed important.


Perhaps in this contemporary world, you need qualifications to serve as a teacher. But remember, to be a GURU, you simply need the reason.
There are no qualifications certified in paper but those nurtured in the mind and heart that makes one a GURU.

Perhaps we can't all become a brilliant sun. So what! What would be sad is if you ignore the little candle within you and let darkness persist in someone's life.

Help one person/plant/animal a day. It might not win you the Nobel prize for peace perhaps, but it will make you a GURU of sorts...


Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Mahashivratri, perhaps the most significant Hindu festival, is celebrated on chaturdashi tithi of krishnpaksha of phagun maas (14th day of the lunar cycle).
Perhaps this explains the waning crescent on Lord Shiva's head.

Lord Shiva, the most compassionate God/Diety/Adi guru as well as the God of destruction, is also shown to have his third eye (pineal gland/seat of spirituality) open.

Ideally each 14th day of the waning moon phase is Shivratri, Mahashivratri being the most significant.

To everyone, this day holds its own significance. Some celebrate it as the union of Shiva and Shakti, his consort.
Some, celebrate it as the day when Lord Shiva attained Mount Kailash like stillness (deepest state of meditation).
I figure it means the same.
Vigyan Bhairav describes Shakti as the face of Shiva as well as the path unto Him. It also, in its various dialogues between Shiva and Shakti, describes the various paths to attain perfect state of mediation (or the state of Shiva) which also includes divine union.
So we can all agree that basically Shivratri is a night of spiritual evolution. It is celebrated by a day long fast and a night long vigil. A person who wants to observe this pious day stays upright all night long. The most significant time is that of midnight (calculated as the time exactly midway between sun set and sunrise) (not 0000hrs!)

The question is why night? Why darkness? Why waning moon? Most festivals especially those that are supposed to bring in prosperity, are observed during the waxing phase of the moon. Waxing phase is the phase that is observed by religions that follow the moon (which includes pagan/wiccan religions too) as the phase of 'increment'.
So why the waning phase for mahashivratri?
Dark is sadly associated with the devil, by the naive. Dark (and waning moon) signifies 'banishing'. Each month, Shivratri encourages us to banish ignorance and attain spiritual advancement, Mahashivratri being the most powerful night amongst them all. Similar banishing rituals are held by those who follow Paganism/Wicca.

Shiva, the destroyer, destroys 'all that is' like material objects around us so we may attain 'all that isn't' (Shiva) that is void/dark depths and truths of the universe.

Light creates distractions by showing us all sorts of illusions. When there is no light, there are no illusions, only truth.

Truth alone can help us all evolve as a species. In the absolute truth, there is love compassion and kindness. Thus, Lord Shiva is known as the most compassionate-The destroyer of 'all that is' and the giver of knowledge and truth...

Mahashivratri is an opportunity to seek and ask, an opportunity to grow and evolve.

Happy Mahashivratri!