Thursday, 26 February 2015

Decoding Mythology


Known as the 'intuition organ' or the 'seat of spirituality' the pineal gland is, scientifically speaking, an endocrine gland. It is actually our third eye. It is a pea sized, pine cone shaped structure in our brain that secretes melatonin and serotonin.
Serotonin is a natural anti depressant and is secreted more when exposed to natural sunlight.
Melatonin on the other hand needs dark. It is secreted at night. Scientifically, a hormone, melatonin is also an antioxidant, a smooth muscle relaxant and a consciousness altering drug. (Chemically very similar to LSD) (you can see my post on melatonin and crop circles which I posted on google+ )

The pinecone shaped pineal gland corresponds to our Ajna Chakra or the third eye. While pinecone symbolism appears all over the ancient world from the Sumerian, Greek, and  Roman traditions, in Hindu mythology, Shiva is represented as having a third eye. Now, shiv represents the state of ultimate stillness, meditation and knowledge (coincidence?)(See my post on Mahashivratri for details)
The Egyptian 'Eye of Horus' actually describes the anatomy of the Pineal gland along with its surrounding structures.
The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power. The symbol was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus´ eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction.(see image)
Horus was an ancient a sky god whose eyes were said to be the sun and the moon. (Day and night, serotonin and melatonin?)
It is said when injured, THE EYE was restored by Thoth (associated with moon).
Thoth is assisted by fourteen gods. Each god represented one of the fourteen days leading up to the full moon. (Note how the 14th day is observed as the night of Shiva-Shivratri, in Hinduism.)(coincidence?)
The restored eye became emblematic of the re-establishment of order from chaos (from ignorance to knowledge) (from darkness unto light) (tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, in Sanskrit)

An open Third Eye brings clarity, concentration, intuition, decisiveness and insight: spiritual evolution, as I call it.

A closed Third Eye or Ājňā Chakra in Hindu tradition brings with it confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, pessimism, jealousy, envy and one sidedness.

I am sharing some interesting images.
Soon I will post about maintaining the Pineal gland: decalcification.

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