Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Smithsonian controversy

Dr. Willie Soon legally pursued external grants for his research on effect of changes in solar radiation on climate change. But did he had certain 'unrevealed' grants as well?

Now that's another controversy all together. Why I post this link is because Dr. Soon argues that solar radiation changes affect our climate more than greenhouse emissions. This seems plausible to me. I had a different expected outcome out of all the 'greenhouse effect' debate. The climate of earth has simply been 'changed' in the past few decades, not necessarily parallel to the expected outcome of greenhouse effect alone.
Well obviously climate change is multifactorial. Why I have even written this article is because I do feel that solar radiation is more important.

Dr.Soon also opposes the efforts put in policy making to cut down greenhouse gases. This, I feel, is going too extreme. So yes greenhouse gases have a limited role to play. Agreed. But that doesn't mean it is worth ignoring their importance especially when there is only so much we can do to "regulate" solar variations.

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