Saturday, 21 February 2015

One in a Million

What do you tell someone when they say "you are one in a million"?
Do you feel you ARE one in a million?
Or do you say "so is everyone else, big deal!" ?

Most of us say either of these. Most of us form opinions about those who say the sentence other than what we would. Who is correct?
Are we not one in a million? (6 billion actually). Yes we are. We are all unique. In fact that we are all unique is what is common in us all!

What I am trying to say is this:

We are one in a million. There is something about us that makes us unique. It is that 'something' that is also our strength. It comes naturally to us and it is our duty to follow it because in following it, we follow our destiny. Prophecies aren't restricted to fiction movies. Only we haven't discovered the one labeled with our names yet. Seek. We have the power within us. The power to create.

We are one in a million. And so is everyone else. This is in fact a very very important perspective (I am talking to those of you who think that someone with this opinion is just a pessimist)
We must remember we are divine. But well, so is the other person! This realisation kills the scope for pride. It is perhaps more important than the first statement because while lack of self realisation gets you nowhere, pride causes downfall. If on a graph you are standing at point zero, pride can take you towards the negative axis. Realising the divinity in others also kills our ego and paves way for love and respect. Which in turn leads to gratitude. We are co-dependent beings who share a consciousness in ways beyond we can imagine.

Just as a pebble thrown into a pool of water doesn't affect only the point of its entry but creates ripples affecting the entire pool, similarly our actions have far reaching consequences!

So, yes, we ARE ALL one in a million. We must all realise our uniqueness. We must all see the divine in each other. Love and gratitude: this is the way towards ascension.


Image courtesy:
This blog, "incidentally" talks about thanking God for small mercies. I haven't taken any permissions before using the image. While searching for images suitable for this post, this image captured my attention and was the first (and only) image I opened for the same. I must admit, this post is interesting. Thanking God for small mercies (gratitude) is indeed important.

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