Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Seeking the Quest

The answers exist within the universe just as the knowing exists within us. Often we ask 'what exactly IS the knowing?' Lately that's what I end up thinking. There are answers all around us, withing the collective consciousness that is universe. So why do we not know the answers yet?
'What answers?' You may ask. And that's how duality is manifested in this delusion yet again!
Is it lack of understanding that makes us seek? Or is it understanding the lack?

Should we be observing the manifestations of delusion and formulate questions and then chase the many possible answers (and usually all are correct) ending up trying to prove our theory as the correct one? This is similar to the followers of different religions trying to establish their superiority. All religions essentially speak the same thing in different words! Yet all are different and no one is wrong! So why do they end up fighting instead of following love, peace and kindness as their religions preach?
This is because we create more duality and cause the dichotomy between spiritual, conscious self and subconscious ego that arises due to seeking the wrong quest!

For instance, the question should not be what is God's name or when did he/she/it etc came on earth and how. The question should be sought from within our own soul. Perhaps it could be 'how can I spread more peace' instead of 'what is peace' because the facts dont matter, what matters is the application.
I follow more than one religions simultaneously so this isn't an article by an atheist. I am simply quoting an example.

With a brain activation level of 2%, we must realise that we are just overgrown infants in the vast cosmos, just as stubborn and ignorant and, on the plus side, with just as much scope to mature.

A child is happy by simply playing with his balloon. You take that away, he cries. Similarly, we have our balloons, for instance, money. Snatch it away, and we cry.
While a child cries over his lost balloon, his parents have the 'knowing' of inflating another one. It seems a trivial matter to them. 'Ah, little children and their silly needs!'
What if I tell you we are still little children? What all do you think we are capable of when we actually grow into a spiritual adult?

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