These aren't just found on crops to call them 'agroglyphs' and often they are more complex to call them 'circles'. Thus the (derogatory ?) umbrella term- Motif
I was planning to simply write about what new information I have gathered about the crop circles but then I thought it would be better to begin from the beginning.
Crop circles/ crop formations are patterns created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed but can be found in fields, over tree-tops, and in ice and snow. They are a world wide phenomena with around 10000 recorded cases in the past century. Although reporting of these began in the 20th century, many ancient texts/ diagrams suggest their creation by extraterrestrials (as suggested by some Egyptian drawings). Some cryptologists and others suggest that crop circles are depicted in prehistoric stone and wall carvings, such as in the spiral patterns carved in a stone at New Grange in Ireland.
The study of the crop circle phenomena is called Cerealogy, in paranormal circles. Cerealogists commonly refer to these designs as agroglyphs or landscape art.
Daniel Harran ( has given us excellent insight enough to convince any sceptic to believe in the extraterrestrial origin of these.
He talks about the tiny details as seen upon personally visiting these circles: both via naked eye and by examining the soil/plants in the area. But physical and chemical examination isn't all. The energy of the area, water content of the involved plant, the powdery residues found at the site, and even the increased yield by those plants (remember they are carefully bent after softening the stem and not broken) have also been studied with remarkable findings.
Daniel writes:
"Multiple scientific analyses were made which have shown some notable modifications in the biological properties of the cereals in comparison to witness samples taken outside the formation :
node elongations,
water content reduced in these nodes,
perforation or bursting of some nodes,
significantly improved germination power (the sown seeds give stronger plants, and produce themselves more seeds), when the formation appeared in a ripe crop..."
"... physical and chemical modifications of the soils, inside the formations :
amazing growth of the crystalline structure of some constituents of clay in the soil inside the formation, in comparison to witness samples taken outside,
strange deposits of a white powder in the centre of some circular formations in Netherlands. This powder was analysed by a laboratory of the university of Amsterdam, it was made of magnesium hydrocarbonate,
unusual concentration of meteoritic dust (iron oxides). These particles exist in the atmosphere, at a very low concentration. Inside some crop circles, contents were found until several hundreds higher than outside, which shows that these particles were attracted and concentrated by the application of a strong magnetic field when the formation was created."
It was also observed that parallel dowsing sticks amplify the variation of energy when one penetrates and when one leaves a crop formation.
Although a great many crop circles are in fact made by humans ( sometimes for advertising campaigns) they clearly have no associated variations as seen by those made by the extraterrestrials. Also, they often lack the complexity and take a team effort for a significant duration of time to be accomplished.
Thus, despite a few 'so and so conned the world' claims, I know there are a lot of us who now believe that these circles are more than just that.
In the next posts we shall see the evolution of the crop circles and what purposes they might be serving.
Some interesting links: (I am having trouble embedding these)
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