Saturday, 11 June 2016

Traditional Food, FOOD COMBINATIONS, and its implications...

On several occasions discussions on food engage me with other people. I am a reformed non-vegetarian. I was a total meat lover, hard core non-vegetarian for quite a long time and suddenly, in college, I just did not want to put meat in my mouth. Eggs followed, and then followed most junk foods. Initially I was confused. Many times I ate despite not really wanting to, because I would be in some party that would have mostly junk food alone. Soon, my body started 'rejecting' foods (this should be elaborated, but perhaps in some other post) that are considered some where on a spectrum of 'tasty' to 'absolute essential' by most kids my age.
Finally I started to read about what was happening and why. It has greatly enhanced my understanding and I realised the importance of 'mindfulness' and why being aware of 'what we eat' is crucial for our system. 

I am not anti non-vegetarians. I would just like to encourage everyone to pay attention to the changes in their behaviour and on the behaviour of other meat eaters after consuming meat for several weeks. What we eat, we become. (ugh, THIS too needs elaboration...perhaps another post. I will try give scientific data in support)

This post is about this amazing video I bumped into. This video is by Drunvalo Melchizedek and is the crux of what I try to tell people. I HAVE noticed change and I URGE you all to start noticing. Some of you may even (spontaneously) feel the need for a diet reform. Mine occurred when I was 21. 

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Good as new!

Doesn't it hurt to part ways with memories?
The good thing is, when it comes to "things", we can give those memories a make over!
oCheck out these pictures of how my family temple evolved and got saved from the terrible fate of getting discarded.

"No one would buy it, not even on olx" I was told...check it out now: