Monday, 30 May 2016

The Boy Who Lived

Fear drives us away from all that is true. Fear keeps us from ‘waking up’. One may argue that one is free from all fear, that, however, is more than often, untrue or partially correct, at best.

We all have fears.

Yes, at-least in some phase of our lives or some particular ‘area’ (talking specifics here, although no ‘area’ exists in separation), fear governs us. Psychologists can provide ample scientific jargon about the subconscious self. Here, I am trying to keep it simple.

Fear doesn’t mean the kind of ‘reaction’ we have to, say, a scary snake. The fear I am referring to here is not a reaction at all. It is, in fact, the cause behind our action. 

To give you a metaphor (please don’t hate me for picking this one :P) I request you to imagine the following:

The pure, innermost, deepest self is like a child. He is surrounded by certain ‘obstacles’ or ‘fears’. The fears prevent the child from acknowledging the truth.  
Even when wishful thinking or any other ‘spiritual trigger’ answers the “prayers” of that child by synchronicities (or, messages from the universe in the form of, say, intuition or dreams etc), the fear keeps the child from reading that message. Is this fear evil? This, however, is another question all together (and the answer is a big NO). 
The little child is surrounded by a tumultuous sea. There is no escape. For is overwhelming him. The child feels helpless and confused. He wonders. He thinks. He ‘dwells’.  
Ultimately, thankfully, the child makes a wish. Perhaps he doesn’t know how powerful that wish could be. Perhaps he lacks faith in his own self. Nonetheless, he wishes. He wishes and oh! There comes the gigantic answer that can single handedly counter the fear and reveal the truth like some data being downloaded. The child is reborn, figuratively. He learns what he really is. He is the boy who lived (past the fears that limited him) and he does great things in times to come. Yes, SUCH is the power of THOUGHTS and WISHES.

Now, I want you to stop the imagining and refer to ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’, Chapter 1, ‘The Boy who Lived’ .
Harry is the little boy, limited (and protected) by the fear (the Durseleys, of course). they are the obstacles. they do not want him to know the truth about his past or about his identity. In the divine right time,and perhaps by the virtue of wishes, Owls come as the sacred messengers from the “universe”, so to say. The Durseleys prevent Harry from reading the message. Ultimately, Harry is on the island on his 11th birthday. He is surrounded by the Durseleys (his obstacles/ fear). The rain slashes and the weather is stormy. Harry draws a cake on the ground, complete with candles. He blows the candle and makes a wish when the door breaks and Hagrid walks in. The rest of the story we all know.

Who is ‘the boy who lived’? Is he Harry the infant who survived Voldemort’s dark spell? Well in another sense, it is the inner ‘Harry’ who faced the ‘Durseleys’ and learned the truth. THAT, in essence, is the boy who lived.

Sunday, 29 May 2016


Ask yourself “Who am I?”

No, I mean it. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and actually ask this question.
Target this question to the soul that you are and to the ether from which you are derived. 
Ask verbally if you will, or ask from your heart’s voice, if you know what I mean.
Seek answers in whichever form it most easily comes to you: a thought, a revelation, maybe an image.
Try understand what the answer meant.

Too often we are busy figuring out our identities as a human being. Way too often.
It isn’t incorrect, in fact it is relevant, in ways.
However, only as long as our identity as a human leads us to question our identity as a spirit.

If you are wishful enough, perhaps you shall find that identity.

Imagine all your life you were a large plank. You were in a wilderness, a polished piece of wood, beautiful in its craftsmanship, among the different
(and differently beautiful) wilderness around you. You spend several years as a plank, trying to be the best plank, the most loved plank or the like.
You see people struggling with their issues, with identity crisis, with ailments, with queries: with the quest.
You wonder why your life is perfect. Or, you wonder similarly: ‘Why am I a plank? How do I become a better plank? I wish to be a plank that saves people from drowning in the sea’ Oh yes, you could be very caring, very spiritual and very certain.
All set and done, you are a plank. Yes, you are certain.

But, then, one fine day, someone decides to raise a wall in the middle of your perfect wilderness. They pick you up and install you on the wall, viola! Now you are a DOOR! “What!”, you wonder, “all this while I was so sure I WAS a plank, but no! Turns out I am a door!” THAT is a whole new DIMENSION. It is something you couldn’t have imagined. You imagined all greatness as a plank. Perhaps you even imagined one day you would become a golden plank, or a famous plank. But no, not anymore. You have, so to say, evolved into something from where there is no going back. You are in what they call ‘a new dimension’. Suddenly, you are a door.
But what else changes? Well, a plank, a lower dimensional being, has a ‘function’, a door, on the other hand, has a ‘relevance’. A door is interdependent on the wall. What’s a door without a wall but a fallen angel!
So now you are a door. You have a wall you are fixed to. you lead people into a room where they find shade and comfort. You lead people into protection and joy. You not just have a ‘function’ you are ‘relevant’ to all existence (well you ALWAYS were, but now you SEE IT).

To al those who have metamorphosed into a Door, congratulations. To all the planks out there, perhaps this article is a door of sorts! (Do you see what I am saying?)
Anyway, there are points to ponder and dimensions to seek.

What shall happen if some day that wall is fell?
You can’t be a plank anymore because you know you are more than that. You can’t, however, be a door, standing in the middle of the wilderness, opening from no where to no where! A door is nothing without a wall, who is nothing without 'a something' that it demarcates. Thus I would say EACH ONE of us is interdependent on each one of us, it is only a matter of which dimension we are in, that we perceive the level of interdependence. And the aim is to be ONE with all, i.e. when all of us realise we are all deeply and intricately, ONE. Who knows unto which tenth dimension we need to be ‘awakened’ to, to achieve it. That isn’t something we need to bother about, however. What we do need to dwell upon is “what/who is the wall for you next evolution.”

Good luck!