More than often, a lot of us judge. Is it wrong to be judgemental? Well, if we categorise judgemental approach as good or bad, it itself becomes judgemental! Don't you think!
The human self has the learning ability that works on the principle of duality. Duality, while the apparent truth, is seem as one by the enlightened: like the two sides of the same coin.
'You don't walk in my shoes so don't judge my walk'... This is infact the truth. Each one of us comes into the material world with the purpose of learning something. This learning may also come via the cause-effect relationship (as symbolised by the 'lotus' in Hinduism and Buddhism) of the Karmic baggage.
The point is, none of us can possibly be harmed if we have an attitude of compassion (read, Love) towards everyone, human or not. From compassion comes the ability to accept. From acceptance, we see ourselves in everyone and the false boundaries of 'individuality' are blurred. This leads to the feeling of oneness: belongingness to one giant organism: the living, breathing, Earth (or perhaps the entire cosmos). From 'oneness' comes 'empathy' and from 'empathy', we HEAL.
Let us all try and be healers to those whose lives we touch.