All the discussion of intolerance towards love (I am refraining from the use of same love or gay marriage or queer or homophobia etc as using such terms infact highlights the discrimination) has finally started to allow many bright human beings to breathe, but there is one catch. Phobia is not limited to love and gender preference but it extends to many many other "rules" that "decide" who loves and who doesn't.
Is it not a shame that we still stand divided on the basis of trivial differences of nationality, religion, race, caste and what not?
This is way deeper and way more serious than it seems. It is a cold, stony ice berg of sorts: one that is still affecting our 'Titanic of humanity to sail' (excuse me going all dramatic about it).
I may be an American. It doesn't give me the right to harass a Pakistani.
I may be a royal child in my own right, it doesn't give me the right to think of others as 'beneath' me.
I may be a high priestess, it doesn't give me the right to look upon others with a smug face and superiority complex.
I may be straight to the core, it doesn't give me the right to call others 'queer'.
We are all, people.
We are under the same sun, are made up of a DNA that is 99% same, eat more or less similar things, grow old and die. Why might we spend our lives teaching our children how we are better than our neighbour instead of teaching them about the beauty of life?
Infact, I believe all those so called "superior" souls/ "knowledgeable" people/ "better" race/ "enlightened" beings who actually THINK and PREACH that they are better than someone else must wake up, for they are free to have their freedom of choice only if they agree to let others have their share of freedom.
India, especially, a country where you can see the glimpse of entire world, has many ethnic sub groups. Each of us have our own unique set of qualities and challenges. Some of us are culturally better off, some financially and so on. To teach the notion that some of us are backward feeds our children a sense of inferiority. What any child needs is a sense of self esteem. The great psycho-social disparity in India feeds half of us with a superiority complex and the rest of us with an inferiority complex. No one benefits. This system benefits only the political parties and that too at the cost of our one child feeling inferior to the other. This system must be reformed to meet economic requirements such that it ensures psycho-social equality instead of thriving on discrimination.
LGBTQ "community" is no separate community but our own brethren. We all stood up for equal rights and we won them. It is time we all stand up to end fake secularism , racism and casteism.
We are all the same.
We need no criminalisation.
We need not be looked down upon.
We need not get any special treatment either.
Such will be the glorious day where we realise that the sun shines equally upon us all.